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This Is The Way

Once you opened your heart and asked me to come in and take away all your guilt, and forgive all your sin. I did all that and more, for I gave you peace and rest then hope, and goals to live for and strength for every test.

I gave you guidance daily, I pointed out the way, and you heard the quiet voice showing what to do and say; and then one day I said to you "this is the way to go" and though you did my bidding your footsteps were a little slow.

Something else was on your mind -- the way you couldn't see, a problem that became bigger because you didn't come to me. Each problem was so real with every passing day; you were so terribly worried you couldn't hear me say:

"This is the way, my child, let me take your hand," no longer could my voice show the way I'd planned. No sinful deed had caused it, there was nothing you should hide, you had just let things, and people, drown out the voice inside.

Little one, look for me, you'll find that I'm still here to guide your every footstep and soothe away that fear, and shut out every thought that would take your mind from me, and, listen intently for the voice that will quietly come to thee.

It's been so very long -- at first you'll scarcely know that it's my voice you hear. But, because I love you so, I gave this message just for you, to show again the way -- to renew our love together, each moment, every day.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope