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When The Time Is Right

There seems to be some question in the minds of quite a few as to the proper time for saying "I love you". Because of some stigmas about excess demonstrations by expressing "I love you" with obvious determination - -

to push the world aside with all its hate and fear and gladden the hearts and lives of those that you hold dear by expressing your need for them, and what they mean to you, because they're just waiting for the chance to say they need you too.

You miss a joyous feeling when you fail to heed the urge to let the love in your heart grow and bubble and surge, by saying "I love you" to the people in your life; and it needn't be confined to just children, Husband or Wife.

But, even the most casual of friends are opportunities too, for when the love of God reaches another through you, then your heart and face will radiate the love of God inside, like a beacon in the darkness, God will use that love to guide

Others to come to experience his love and saving grace because they can see His joy and love reflected in your face. So, there IS a proper time and place for saying "I love you." whenever the opportunity to express it comes into view.

The time is now. The place is here. Wherever you happen to be, to unlock all God's blessings, saying "I love you" is the key.

F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope