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It is not impossible to live a life like Paul,
The Apostle who completely gave God his all,
So completely entrenched was He in serving His Lord,
His time was spent studying and preaching God's word.

He appointed Bishops and Elders wherever He went,
And ordained Apostles, which means messenger sent,
Timothy and Titus were two that He ordained,
And they were both worthy of the office they gained.

For they brought order and peace to the house of God,
And brought love and grace instead of the Rod.
In each city where each apostle was assigned,
Jesus was uppermost in his heart and mind.

In Ephesus, Paul left Timothy to live and teach
That God's love for man was well within reach.
Then Paul went on with Titus to Crete
Where He left him to make their lives complete

By teaching them the Christian way to live,
To win blessings that God alone can give.
Admonishing them the things to shun
That God might be pleased and His will done.

Titus must withstand the stubborn Jews
Who try to enforce the wrong way to choose,
And lead Gods precious flock astray
Injecting some ugly traditional way

That isn't pleasing to God in the least,
Hoping that division in the church is increased.
But Titus was admonished to stop their deeds
And bring to a halt their myths and creeds.

Therein lies a lesson for you and me,
We must follow God's word to be free
Not listening to any deceit or lies,
Nor anything to make us compromise.

Heeding our Bishops and Elders as well,
Listening intently to the truths they tell.
Keeping Jesus foremost in our lives and hearts
And the Joy that serving Him imparts.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope