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Touching Jesus

She sat on the side of her bed, she'd awakened but a moment ago,
She must quickly run to the bathroom and take care of that awful flow.
The story is in the holy scriptures and does not give her name,
She had an issue of blood that distressed her fragile frame.

She'd been to a great many Doctors who'd deprived her of her wealth,
And since all were fakes and charlatans, it was nothing more than stealth.
Reduced to abject poverty, she kept hidden indoors for shame,
She changed her clothes often but they were blood-soaked just the same.

Every Doctor pretended her condition was one He could treat,
But after taking her money, was forced to admit defeat.
Being diseased and moneyless, she even despaired of life,
The shame and despair cut through her heart like a knife.

Then one day, she heard a commotion down her street.
A crowd was coming, with a stranger everyone ran to meet.
When someone passed by, she asked "what's it all about?"
"It's a healer," He said "who's making all the people shout."

"Who is this Healer?" she said. "JESUS" the man replied.
"Oh, I want to see Him. I must meet this man," she cried.
And as the crowd came up the street, she stepped outside her door,
And in her heart she knew, He's the one she'd waited for.

As He approached, she could see compassion in his eyes,
And seeing his look of love her hopes began to arise.
As the crowd passed by, she joined the ones behind,
And squeezed close to him any way she could find.

As she got close to Him, her faith began to soar,
For just a touch would be just what she had waited for.
She watched Him touch a child possessed with demon power,
The demon left and the boy was made perfectly whole that very hour.

So she pushed all the harder to get through the bustling throng
Which now surrounded and carried her along.
She struggled to get near Him and reaching around a ledge,
She managed, as He passed by, to touch his garments' edge.

"Who touched me?" He said, as He was looking all around,
So, she stepped forward and threw herself upon the ground.
"Master" she said I've been bleeding for all these years.
As I touched your clothes, it stopped, she said through her tears.

He said: "Go in peace, daughter, your Faith hath made you whole",
"And may it bring repentance and cleansing for your soul."
As the nameless woman was healed by just a touch,
Take courage in knowing that you can do as much.

Just be ready for the Master when He comes passing by,
You'll know it's He for you can feel Him coming nigh.
Any moment of any day, it is you He is coming to,
Waiting for you to claim it, Jesus is touching you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope