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It has always been the seaman's dream to find some distant shore,
And there discover the treasure he'd always been looking for.
The investor's treasure is that rare gem, Real Estate or Antique
That for all of his adult life he has been compelled to seek.

The structure of outstanding beauty is the treasure of the Architect
And because of it the lucrative finances that He hopes to collect.
The Chemist's treasure is the hope that He one day soon will find
That secret antidote or formula that will benefit all mankind.

The Goal of he Archeologist is finding some Artifact
Which will prove to the world that his theory is still intact,
That his geological discoveries indicate that the Planet Earth
Has been in existence here for billions of years since its birth.

It's exactly the same with Artists, who try with brush and paint
To make themselves immortal with canvas, either subtle or quaint.
The beachcomber digs in the sand with efforts he cannot resist,
To find an object of fabulous value, one that doesn't really exist.

In life, or death, each will find the rarest treasure of all
is in hearing the precious word of God, attentive to its call.
That Jesus, God's Son, bled and died to save them from their sin
The treasure of life Eternal, and Peace and Love within.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope