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In a crisis are you one who has to worry and fret,
Conveying to everyone how you are nervous and upset.
They can see it written and stamped on your face,
And wherever you go you feel so out of place.

If a Christian displays a fraction of doubt,
Then Jesus and His word have been left out?
When you worry in obvious unhappiness,
It indicates that your spiritual life is a mess.

Because your trust is not anchored in God's Word,
But instead, it is in half-truths that you have heard,
Or is based upon a lot of maybe's and ifs,
And causes lots of Arguments and tiffs.

Remember, God has the whole situation in hand,
And you're opposing the things He has planned;
You don't need to know God's plans in advance,
In His Love He has given you a wonderful chance

To throw your doubts and fear far from you
And find out what God's promises can do.
Although things don't look so good right now
God has planned the best for you anyhow.

If God has planned for something to come about,
It will happen anyway, whether you worry or doubt.
Trust Him and go along with whatever comes your way
It is sure that shortly there will be a happier day.

When adversity comes upon you and you feel it's a test
Put your trust in Jesus and He will give you rest.
Best of all you'll have his perfect peace within,
And the assurance of his power to take away all sin.

Then you'll be His witness that Jesus saves today
Since you can demonstrate that His blood's the only way,
And that no matter what Satan or progress does to you,
If you trust Him completely, Jesus will bring you through.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope