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The Ultimate Sacrifice

People were so evil many centuries ago,
Angering God with every breath,
Ignoring the Laws God Created
Giving Choices between life and death.

They respected neither God or man
And cared not for Heaven or Hell,
Though God sent Prophets and Angels
Continually, to come and dwell

In their midst to turn them to God
He finally sent his only begotten Son,
Who died on a Cross for their sins
And for the sins of everyone.

Jesus is His name, and his Death
Was also for you and me
His Blood cleansed away our Sin
And made us eternally Free.

When we ask for His forgiveness
He rights every wrong,
Gives us a heart that's full of love
And days and nights of song.

So won't you accept Jesus now,
And walk the straight and narrow way?
He'll give you the promise of Heaven
And Love and Peace today.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope