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The question that was in your mind last night
when you first thought the time was right,
and an answer should be coming soon
inflating your little pride balloon,

that when you requested from the Lord,
some things you couldn't really afford,
and thought there was some magic word
making sure you had been heard,

and though your behavior had been good,
it must be clearly understood,
Favor with God you cannot buy
but there is a way that you and I

Can have assurance we are heard
when we ask according to God's word,
and know the thing for which we ask
was just the Lord's most simple task,

to show us that we can achieve
anything for which we believe,
whether or not we understand
the Future things that God has planned,

or how the precious blood that Jesus shed
was not only enough to raise the dead,
but cleanses and frees the soul from sin
with a hell to shun and heaven to win.

And Forever release us from sin's blame
when we merely call on Jesus' name,
and stand uncondemned before His throne,
because God made you and me his own.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope