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After God created the world and life of every kind,
And regulations for living had to be outlined,
He waited Long for man to heed his loving call
And instead of heeding, they disobeyed them all.

After centuries of waiting, because he really did care,
Moses and Aaron became God's selected pair
Because He was only waiting to end their slavery,
Give them health and wealth and set the captives free.

After more centuries of waiting they asked for a king
They didn't believe God would supply everything.
Instead of trusting God, who gave them liberty,
They trusted evil kings who led them into idolatry.

After centuries of waiting, God sent Messiah, His Son,
But they didn't believe He was the long awaited one
Who shed his life's blood on a cross made of wood,
and even then, they never really understood

That His death meant pardon and freedom from Sin,
And if you accept him, He will cleanse you from Sin.
You only need to repent and before the savior bow,
and He will redeem and save you anyhow.

The Holy Spirit has been waiting all these years
for you to overcome your doubts and your fears
And give your heart to Jesus who's been waiting all along
To take away all your doubts and fill your heart with a song.

By F.W.(Lucky)Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope