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The Woman at the Well

Jesus journeyed to Samaria and sat upon Jacob's well.
He waited there a while, He had some things to tell.
His disciples had gone to Sychar, a town that was near,
And while they were gone for food, a woman did appear.

Jesus asked her for a sip of the water she would draw,
And she was amazed because He had broken an unwritten law
That Jews have no dealings with Samaritans in any case,
And for him to even speak to her was extremely out of place.

He said: "If you knew who it is that's asking water from you,
You would have asked, and received living water from a Jew."
He meant Eternal life, but she didn't understand
For she then spoke up and made her next demand:

"How can you do that when you have nothing with which to draw?"
He said: "We've brought Salvation and fulfillment of the Law.
They who worship God must worship in Spirit and in Truth,
For the Father seeks true worshipers, whether aged or youth."

She said: "Are you greater than Jacob, who quenched our thirst
By digging this well deep, and then drank from it first.?
We know that Messiah the Christ will come and set us free."
Jesus then said: "I, who is speaking with you, am He.".

Go, and call your Husband and have him come here to me."
She said: "I have no husband, in that respect I'm free"
He said: "You've had five and are living with one who is not"
This story in John chapter four is the whole Salvation plot,

For she ran into the City and told the people there:
"Isn't this the Messiah, who has come our sins to bear?"
According to John 4:41, many people heard
They came and believed on Jesus, because of His own word.

The Moral of this story is there is salvation for everyone
Who believes and trusts in Jesus, God's only begotten Son.
And if you would one day meet him in heaven, there is only one way,
And that is by accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord, Today.

By F. W. Lucky Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope