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The Way of Life

Long ago I wrote a letter, it's message strong and true,
That showed my chosen people what I wanted them to do.
There were selected laws and the few that I would give
Would show the path to heaven and provide a healthy way to live.

Honesty and fairness would be their guiding light,
When loving and serving God, everything comes out right.
I taught that in everything, they should always come to me,
Enjoying blessings and love, and stay forever free.

But they turned to gods of stone, went further into sin each day,
Stopped listening to the one who showed a happier way.
Slaughtering children to see if idols could be appeased,
Instead of coming to the one whom they had shunned and displeased.

So I turned my back upon them and no longer gave them aid,
They became the slaves of enemies of whom they were afraid.
In bondage and in slavery they endured four hundred years,
The penalty for their sin was toil, sweat and tears.

They repented of their sin and asked for a reprieve,
And begged me to restore laws that they would now receive.
So I sent my servant Moses to help them to be free,
And lead them out of Bondage to a land of Liberty.

But when his life was over, although it had been long,
They returned to their old habits, doing every wrong.
Making and serving gods who could neither hear or see,
Instead of their Creator who had loved and made them free.

After years of such behavior, centuries had gone past,
They abandoned alien gods and turned to me at last.
In my great love for them, I sent my only Son
To show how peace with God and Heaven could be won.

But they scorned their Savior, who came to abolish Sin,
And nailed him to a cross to hide their guilt within,
Destroying their link with God, the life, the truth, the way,
Adding murder and hate to their list of sins, that day.

Upon a cruel cross his precious blood was shed,
The price for their sin was blood, He gave His instead.
Becoming the final sacrifice, leaving all sin behind,
Opening the way to the Father, for you and all mankind.

God's son was that one, and Jesus was His name,
Who, dying on a cross took all your sin and shame.
All you have to do is call on Jesus and then
Promise you will never do those things again.

In His Word He says He'll hear you, and answer from above,
Give you complete pardon, enfold you with his love,
He'll change your heart completely, be with you wherever you go,
Give your life a new start, because He loves you so.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope