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The Way To Pray

Have you developed the habit of taking time each day
Stop whatever you're doing and bow your head and Pray?
You don't even have to bow, you can look at the sky instead.
Lets consider Jesus and what He did and said.

First He looked up and said "Father" as he began to pray,
And as he did, that's what we should do and say.
He didn't ask for anything, now you must understand,
The world and everything in it was already his to command.

When He spoke the word "Father", God's presence was right there
To Give Him strength and courage for the Load he had to bear.
It was for those around him that Jesus looked to heaven above,
Demonstrating that communication was the Key to the Father's love.

Actually he already knew that He and the Father were one
And He only had to think a thing which would instantly be done.
But as Jesus took the time to show the world the way,
We should take the time to seek God's presence every day.

God's original decree was death for every sin,
But that's not the only way that there has ever been.
For God made another way, a way for you and me,
Jesus shed His blood on a cross and paid that penalty.

Now we can never know the agony nor will we ever feel
How Jesus felt that day, but He went alone to kneel,
But His prayer should always be yours and mine,
When He said "Father, not my will but thine".

Now if some trial or crisis should happen to come your way,
Be thankful for Jesus' example, stop, and kneel and pray.
If you ask Jesus to forgive you, and give Him your heart, too,
He'll give you a new life, and make a way for you.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope 7/21/08

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope