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The Wayward Child

I know your grief, I've seen your tears as you pray that your wayward child
will somehow survive the pitfalls that Satan has compiled,
turning a deaf ear to reason, maintaining a constant defense
against anything that resembles wisdom and good sense,

Abandoning reality, decency and truth
following the attractions of impulsive youth,
Ignoring childhood teaching you administered with love,
while introducing the Savior who came from heaven above,

Who was not only compassionate, but was loving, gentle and mild,
knowing that God's penalty for sin, without Him, would destroy your child.
and by offering a sinless life, His blood shed the final price,
for your child's sin, and ours, He became the Sacrifice

Satisfying the Law of God, blood must be shed for sin,
taking away forever the guilt that lies within,
though the wayward child is stubborn, ignoring the path He paved
God's word gives you His promise: Your whole household will be saved.

The future looks so bleak, the wayward child gives no heed,
you keep on trusting God and continue sowing the seed
giving God all the Glory, praising His wonderful name,
Jesus will surely hear you and save them just the same.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope