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The Samaritan woman, and Jesus

Have you read in God's word that Sychar was a city in Samaria's land?
Therein is a wonderful story that some people don't understand.
Now Jesus and his disciples were passing through that way
And coming upon Jacob's well, Jesus thought He would stay.

While his disciples went into the city to purchase something to eat,
Jesus decided to rest there, and used the well for a seat.
A woman came from the City, as Jesus sat on the Brink,
She drew water from the well, and Jesus asked for a drink.

Now, it's recorded that she asked Him why He would have conversation,
Asking water from someone with such a spurious reputation.
I think that the embarrassment must have caused her heart to sink,
For She was so stunned by His words that she didn't offer the drink.

For He'd told her of her past, and her activities with sinful men.
If she drank of the water that He gave, she never would thirst again.
She asked for some of this water, so she'd never come back to the well
But He was speaking of living water that would save her soul from Hell.

The Disciples returned from the City, saw Him with her but didn't come near,
And though she was despised, didn't ask her, "Woman, what are you doing here."
She ran to the City excited that Jesus had told her past,'
And told the men of the City, "The Christ is here at last.

He told me all I've ever done, my entire life He can see,
Come back with me, to the well, and see if this isn't He."
They all trooped out of the City because of what they'd heard,
And because of her testimony, they came to hear "The Word."

Some of them accepted Jesus, believed in Him there and then,
And begged Him to come and stay, and speak to them all again.
And many more Souls were won there, saved from Eternity's Hell,
All because of the woman who met Jesus at the well.

Now, she couldn't do any more than you, her life was scarcely a blur,
But she didn't hesitate to tell what Jesus had done to her.
Many souls came to Jesus, and the story's the same today,
Many can be won to Jesus because of what they hear you say.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope