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If God gave you a chore, just a simple little job
like a bathroom to clean, a deck to swab,
If your inner nature had to survive a little test,
Would you be able to say you did your best

If sorrow overtakes and immerses you in grief,
You wither and lie lifeless like a fallen leaf.
Can you rise up and serve the Master normally
Being quick to follow Jesus, where e'er it be, -

Do you go to Church every Sunday without grumbling,
Lead in prayer in the Assembly, without mumbling
If a Member of the Body turns up sick one day,
Do you go, anoint that one with oil, kneel and pray -

Because a neighbor's yard is shabby, you learn he's ill,
Electricity is off, He hasn't paid the bill.
can you do more than pray, go out and mow his lawn,
Supply food, get electricity turned back on, -

If there's a single Mother, living down the street,
And even after struggling, she can't make ends meet,
And you're open with the Bounty God has given you,
You'll receive your greatest reward for what you do -

If your life is shattered by a period of pain,
And freedom from this bondage you would gain,
You'll see victory throughout nights and days
If God's throne is approached with thanksgiving and praise -

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope