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The Windmill

Recently, as I traveled a dusty, country road,
I came upon a peaceful, rustic scene.
Among fields of tall corn a rooftop showed,
And a tall windmill could be seen

With hardly a breeze that you could feel,
The old windmill lazily turned,
A long rod attached to the giant wheel
Like Butter being churned.

A Huge wooden Tank was at the base,
So full of water it overflowed.
Piped into an irrigation ditch
That ran along the dusty Road,

And into the fields of corn so tall.
If the slightest current of breeze will blow
Providing the most important element of all,
The water to make them grow

Though this water is clean and clear,
Remember what Jesus could Tell
All the People who came to hear
From the Woman at the well.

This water is an almost constant flow
Produced by the slightest breeze or wind,
But it cannot save or let you know
It's as if you had never sinned.

This water is satisfying, for right now
But you will again have thirst,
God's word will tell you exactly how,
Though you're at your very worst,

The water that Jesus will give
Will bubble with joy from within.
For you will then begin to live
And your soul will be free from Sin.

The life that was in such pain
Accepted Jesus and now is set free
And the water that cleansed each stain
Is Springing up Eternally

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope