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Winning The Lost

Was God's will done in your life today?
Did you ask God, when you knelt to pray,
To give you a nature that is kind and sweet,
Sharing Jesus' Love with everyone you meet?

In your daily walk do you live for Him
So that the one whose life is drab and dim
Might be encouraged by the words you speak?
Then the Power of God will keep you meek,

And Humble, so that He can use you to win
That soul in degradation and sin,
Who doesn't realize that He is lost,
And unaware of the awful cost

Of missing Salvation, with Eternal death
When He has taken his final breath.
He can be won through the life you live
With the love of Jesus you can give

He can receive Jesus and be secure
And Jesus will give him a heart that is pure.
When He Repents of all His sin
He will receive pardon and peace within.

Since talking with Jesus starts your day,
He showed you what to do and say
So that He could set a sinner free,
And give Him peace and joy for eternity

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope