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With God

In the Beginning, God was. The Scripture so declares
Not only that, He always was, nothing compares
With what this omnipotent God displays
When He creates all of existence in just six days.

The seventh day He ceased, calling it a day of rest
Saying everything was good, everything was blessed.
When God spoke life into existence it became reality
And what had been nothing was now sky and land and sea.

From dust God created man, then created him a wife
After breathing into them the very breath of life.
He created this pair for fellowship with him
He knew that nothing, not even a whim

Could arise that would draw this pair away,
But Satan, as a serpent, came one fateful day
And slyly tricked them to take the forbidden bite
Made to leave God's presence, sin is never right,

Forced to wander aimlessly in a wild unfriendly land,
Their experience has helped us understand,
Disobedience is something God will not tolerate,
And its conclusion will always be an unpleasant fate.

So listen for God's voice, and He will show the way
To stay in His Presence each and every day,
Because it is God you love, and who you strive to please,
Begin and end each day, with God, upon your knees.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope