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Words From The Master

I was in the prophets of old when miracles were performed,
And I was with Moses when Pharaoh raged and stormed.
It was I who enabled Moses to part the Red Sea,
And make the bitter waters of Meribah as pure as can be.

I was with Noah when He predicted that fateful hour,
And by me Samson performed feats of amazing power.
By me, Jesus withstood all of Satan's evil taunts,
And I enabled his disciples to succeed when Satan daunts.

The Disciples fears were calmed by me upon the Galilee
When with me Jesus stilled the waters of the stormy Sea.
Giving me to his Apostles as though I were an expensive gem,
He performed the transformation by breathing on them.

With me Peter restored a lame man at the temple's gate,
Who leaping and dancing, would never again vegetate.
All down the ages, Christians having been set free,
Have done Miracles with Power When being filled with me.

Exercising gifts of wisdom that people look for,
Discernment of Spirits, Healing, Prophecy and more,
They preach sermons that God both heals and saves,
Obeying His commands, for they are his happy slaves.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope