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    Recuerdos/Remembering You

        Beautiful Mama
    green eyes catching the sun ray dust
    which she now is.
    But long ago
    those eyes obliged me to support
    a cross of sins
    I had not yet conceived.
    She was a seer
    who saw a child
    inquisitive beyond propriety
    a child with a propensity for mischief
    a female child
    with the cojones of a man.
    Yet Mama could charm the sun to bow
    concede its radiance dull
    compared to Mama's smile.

    She did the best she could
    and I would grow to miss her explanation
    of the evening news
    her rice and beans
    the ironed clothes
    put in drawers haphazardly
    causing morning chaos
    for the children
    looking for their clothes
    to go to school.

    Mama's visits with her shopping bag
    of insulin and sandwiches of cheese
    boiled eggs and countless jars of pills.
    She who had not learned to read
    knew which and what and when
    how much a day
    for her heart
    her legs with the grey line
    separating the gangrene
    she refused to have cut
    from the rest of her.

    Mama with her mindset mellowed by her age
    resigned to death
    after her viejo passed away.
    She who was not spared the loneliness
    of the survivor
    missed Papa
    who suffered the crimson death
    of hemorrhage.
    Mama and the serenity
    she brought to all she touched
    in later years
    as if the effort of anger
    was no longer worth the bother.
    Her green eyes loved you
    with a slight distracted gaze
    as if beyond your face
    a shadow of Papa
    waited in the distance
    beckoned her to come.
    He'd waited so long
    he who had died at the age of 65.
© 1985, by Carmen M. Pursifull.
All Rights Reserved


Finally he is clay.
Fear has died with him.
I plant red blossoms in my garden using
his soil and Puerto Rican blood
as fertilizer.
In summer heat will answer
questions I asked him
in my youth.
When petals open
the bee will bear his message
and when the first frost
kisses my petals
I'll understand.
I remember spankings
black curls
a truck driver's uniform
candy in pockets
lap warm and hard.
Rages and quick-footed kicks
at the Royal typewriter
he got in debt
for my birthday.
Booze broke the keys.

The doctor sentenced him.
"No cigarettes, no liquor!"

He (my father)
is a bench by a window
a ghost discussing
the nature of wood.

When I was 10
I asked him if wood lived.
He said, "All things live,"
and I believed him.
He slapped me
when I was 22.
My fist raised at last
in protestation.
He sagged
a wooden puppet
his balls softened
by age and illness.
Shame tried to shackle
my newfound aggression.
I stopped playing games.
His curls now grey
limp in my fingers
bent with the times.

He was relieved
to leave his legacy to me.
He readied for death
in his defeat.
His painted face
(by an unknown mortician)
was lowered in the living casket.
The family sighed
dispersed like fluttering birds
as he disappeared
into a ground
which knew him.
My fingers twirled memories
like prayers
and my Papa
(who knew everything)
was silent in the night.
His cough
no longer shook the air
and he no longer
clocked my hours.
Now his imprint upon me
turns to dust
and I am left
with cyphers
from the dead.

© Carmen M. Pursifull. All Rights Reserved.
Published in Carmen By Moonlight, in 1982.

 My Son, My Son

    As I sit here alone
    in my comfortable chair
    accompanied by the melodies
    and tranquil chords
    of the Masters
    my jangled nerves
    with edges frayed
    honed by many a year
    and many a tear
    seem to settle to a quiet stop
    deceiving everyone but I.
    Nevertheless; out of the mess
    of the mood
    a slow smile gradually transforms
    the creases on troubled brow.
    As the smile broadens
    I become aware of the why
    of the smile.
    It’s because I thought of you
    my son.

© 1975, by Carmen M. Pursifull.
All Rights Reserved


eager to be born
rushed to life
feet first.
Black night hair
around a perfect face.
Alma mia
too weak
to suckle breasts
rock hard ready
to sustain her.
Too weak
to keep the formula
in her system
clung to my hand
for love and life

when I was home.

My little girl
for the traveling mother
singing in a band
felt guilt
for hating me.
Her need
meshed with mine
tugged across
the separating miles
determining my decision
to come home
to motherhood.
Mi corazon
with mechanic's mind
could fix a television set
a toaster or an iron

but had to struggle
to unlock the vault
harboring a rage
of an earlier transgression
shocking me with secrets
finally shared
allowing me to heal
the hurt
I never knew existed.

my little first born
complex beyond imaginings
petals finally turned
toward sun
grew ripe
and seemingly serene
married a man
who calls me 'ma'am'
and 'Gertie'
when he feels affection.

A nickname
she outgrew
kept her promise
gave me a grandson
for the son I lost
daughter mine.

   © December 14, 1985 by Carmen M. Pursifull
     All Rights Reserved.

    New York Fabric

Sometimes it's a sound
a nuance
shattering cocoon
spun mystically
with threads of convenience.

My blood discos to the beat
of the city -- charging my limbs
with energy -- loosening threads
of containment -- compelling me
to remember.

Sometimes it's the look
the chic drapery of fabric
postured in arrogant fashion.
I flow in fluid stances
modeling my cape cut from
sharp ideation -- covering
my body with New York
as my garment.

Sometimes it's a gesture
evoking provocative visions
of a recumbent ballet
of bodies entwined in adept
embraces -- reaching point
of intense penetration
but images fade as cocoon
contracts bonding me to the
subtle rhythm of
evolving discipline.

Association urges me
to visualize places
where boredom rarely
existed -- and past delights
parade on the forehead
of remembrance
vacillating the threads
of my serenity.
These are the phantoms
that penetrate the silk
forcing me to spin
stronger strands about me
to block out the sirens
of the city but the song
snakes up my spine
bites into brain
crippling all thought
driving home remorselessly
the sometimes barreness
of now.

it's the night.

Copyright © by Carmen M. Pursifull.
     All Rights Reserved.
     on stage #1

you put the horn down
maracas softly clicking
I croon a tune of pain
never mind the audience
or spotlights on my face
my eyes are closed to them
and when the lyrics spill
from my heart -- apart
from the immediate scene
i'm in a muffled place
where they can't enter
a center of the blue country
where notes like birds
take off

your horn comes in
hitting highs of the song
applause slaps us back
you wack the juice
off your ax
the sax picks up
where you left off

standing apart
we look into the room
and see

Copyright © by Carmen M. Pursifull.
All Rights Reserved.
     Sometimes Music Has a Mind of its Own

The ballad insists itself -- spinning notes
to the sax player with the swollen cheeks.
He wails the new-born thoughts in song -- which seeks
its parts -- separated by air that floats
from the dripping horn. The measured tune gropes
for tapping toes socking cymbals -- like beaks
of birds. Brushes slap soft rimshots that freaks
the drummer while the bull-frog sax-man gloats.

The bassist plucks -- his fingers slow and sure
his eyes glued to the piano man. He sees
the changes shifting in his head -- his high
the melody. The improvising lure
of rampart phrases on the piano keys
stop -- with a signal and a trembling sigh.

Copyright © by Carmen M. Pursifull.
     All Rights Reserved.


    I left a planet green and blue
    her air and I flattered each other
    the foliage wild with such diversity
         of fruits
    sweetened my palette and it was good.
    Oh how I long to hear the songs
         sung by the birds
    of my URANTIA*
    I had to leave my love
    before she flew away into the dark.
              The Search

    I've searched so long
    traveling through a space
         with many faces
    to find a planet green and blue
    where the air is sweet   
    where the earth bears fruit

    I've journeyed through galaxies
         of swirling gases   
    their clouds like claws
         grasping matter in its path
   I've seen the awesome majesty
         of a mammoth star     wink
    then disappear  
    leaving in its wake
    a whirlwind of nuclear dust
    spotting the heavens with colors
    that I had never seen

    I've felt the heat
         of a baby being born in the sky
    her eyes opened and there was Light
    I see my brothers as the stars
         the Parent    God

    in sleep    the glacial breezes rock me
         into different worlds   
    piercing my ears with winds
         that sing an ancient song
    of birth/expanding space/altered matter
    in a chain of endless dimensions
    somehow the rhythm of expansion
         transcends time
    as if the next implosion
         proved existence of a soul
    (the heartbeat of the Universe)

    the lightning-beams zig-zaging
        on my eyes
    awaken me to memories of    I AM
    my flesh is swollen from the heat
        that pulls me closer
        to my death

               In Transition

    I squinted at the dazzling
         myriads of matter
    dancing their cosmic steps
    bumping/a constant metamorphosis
    I thought I saw a lady in the sky
    she seemed to float in space
    her gossamer gown    the stars
    her eyes    black holes
    devouring everything
         within her range of charm
    the charm    inviting me to join
         the multitudes of worlds
    that once had orbited in time
    their captured light
         a testament of being
    what lay behind the funnels
         of her eyes?
    a curiosity demanded that I
         step closer to her pull
    and then I felt a wrenching of my soul
    a billion times intensified
    as cells were stretched beyond my frame
    all speeding to the cave within her eyes
    the memory of     I AM
    exploding with the knowledge
         that the person that I was
    was    no more
    torn apart by forces strong enough
         to separate and scatter
    the matter that was I
    then like a sock turned inside out
    space curved into herself
    pushing me through a door of time
    so I could be

               The Return

    I'm near a planet green and blue
    beside the mammoth trees
    I sense leviathans
    as I float gently toward the earth
    I ride no ship
    nor have a body to call mine
    only awareness of
                      ;   we    are

   © 1979 by Carmen M. Pursifull. 
    All Rights Reserved.

    *I want to thank THE URANTIA FOUNDATION for permission to use
     their name in my poem, “DATED MATERIAL/ALLTIME”.