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"Carmen M. Pursifull, long time Senior Poetry Editor of Dream Fantasy International is a poetess par excellence. In 2003, Carmen was one of the final nominees for Poet Laureate of Illinois. I am proud to have her as our Senior Poetry Editor."
~ Charles Jones, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief of Dream Fantasy International

"This book is like opening a door to let the fresh air and light stream in. By tapping into her own consciousness, the author reveals the bugaboos that plague us all...shines a light on them and scares them away."
~ McPhersontampa

"Carmen's poetry is like cleaning the emotions in your soul... Read it with an open mind and you will soar on gossamer wings.... Carmen thank you for sharing your soul with me!"
~ Victoria Falkenburg.

"Carmen M. Pursifull makes poetry as naturally and forcefully as water exploding through rock-- an awesome and powerful display of talent, richly renewing itself in nature, in science, and in fantasy. Brava!"
~ ML Polak

"Carmen's poetry will entice you to read on, and will not ever disappoint, or cause you to regret spending time with her words. She voices from a triumphant knowledge of what a woman truly knows, and is. If only there were more like her. Actually, if there were more like her every woman would be a bee charmer."
~ Colorado Marion

"Deep sensuous verbal intensely visual poetic imagery interlaced with nostalgia, pay homage to life and the musical instruments that express the celebration of life in Camen M. Pursifull's poem, 'Body Becoming Liquid,' from the subject Frequencies. In the subject, Consciousness, metaphoric questions about coming to grips with that age old human puzzle, 'who and what are we,' is answered in a personal journey through the mind's eyes posed by Carmen M. Pursifull's wonderful poem. There she comes to see herself as part of the universal scheme of things. In the subject, Matter, Ms. Pursifull introspects into the meaning of life, elegantly questioning mysteries of nature, the purity of truths. Violence and pain, suffering expressed by this seasoned poet, her imagery beautifully evokes ambiguous feelings of an unstable environment, subtle fears and the question of staying or leaving in the subject Change. In the subject Time, Ms. Pursifull manages to encompass all the meaningful questions, one with a thinking mind often asks herself, and she does it in a profound and graciously pensive manner."
~ Linda L Smith

"Carmen has an extraordinary gift for taking her readers through the cosmos of her imagination! Her talent for molding eloquent wording into truly striking imagery makes each of her poems a treasure to behold."
~ GoldDustWoman

"Only an imagination without tether could form the visual energy these words unleash. They burned across the synapses of my brain in a wild cacophony of light and sound. Each verse and tale told by a masterful mistress of the written word."
~ Sandra Schraut

"In 'Probing the Depths of Mind and Matter,' Carmen is the grand guide on an unforgettable journey. Travel with her through the natural and spiritual worlds, realms of memory and intracacies of relatedness in the universe to find yourself a part of the unseen!"
~ Erin Hassan

"'Probing the Depths of Mind and Matter' is pulsing energy, barely restrained; a veritable language cocktail. The personas of the poems have resonated with love, have been twiddled, have had paradiddles played on their skins, known phantom lovers, sons and fathers, are worldly enough to stop a hose's run quickly with colorless polish, yet they are innocent enough to seek fresh answers to eternal problems, to seek the reason for death, and wise enough to understand it when they find it. In short, they are sexy, questing, intellect bearing souls aware of their maturation, but somehow remaining perpetually young and very compelling."
~ Fay Sullivan

"If you are interested in how a poet uses Science in her metaphors, in spite of the subject at hand, you should read this book. I recommend it highly."
~ Robert Vaughan - Author THE MASADA SCROLL

"Carmen Pursifull's new poems carry us through the door to the mystical Green World, where stand up base becomes the contemporary harp playing the nervous system. Her god is elusive, her creation amorphous. It is her job, as a woman, to flesh out the mind and the soul. And she has hosted 'ghosts' in her 'guest room.'
~ Peter Kidd, Publisher, Igneus Press

"'Probing the Depths of Mind and Matter,' from Carmen M. Pursifull, offers up a wonderful collection of Carmen's talented though provoking put to print words. They are a clear and vivid collection of fun, witty, intelligent, and very interesting topics.

"Highly recomended: 'Frequencies: Body becoming Liquid' as my favorite out of the collection."
~ John Huckleberry at Hollywood Tonight Productions

"Carmen Pursifull has a magnetic style that grabs your entire range of emotions and won't let them go. Her words are magical at times and lyrical at others and her latest work is her best yet. I love 'Probing the Depths of Mind and Matter,' and you will too!"
~ Gary W. Moore - Author of PLAYING WITH THE ENEMY