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two a.m. and i awaken

    the bed is a parachute
    it eases the fall
    into my waiting flesh
    legs twitch
    and i wake up remembering
    my jaunt through space
    it felt so real
    the fear/the rush
    through constellations
    i light a cigarette/
    open the door
    to inhale the night
    and my door opens
    to an unfamiliar sky
    of crystal pyrotechnics
    this razzle/dazzles me
    and i squint at this display
    gasping for air
    in an atmosphere alien
    to my lungs
    my stoop leads to nowhere
    and i see a satellite
    whiz by my blurring view
    i hear the beep beeping
    signal of its orbit
    i must get back into the house/
    lie back in bed/
    direct my dream
    to old familiar places
    where toxic waste/pollution
    and ozone in the air
    await my hungry lungs

©1988 by Carmen M. Pursifull.
All Rights Reserved.

eight p.m. tryst with a full moon

    the appointment has been made
    approved/but as of yet
    not consummated
    the invitation has ignited
    slow burning coals
    in the depths of his eyes
    when he looks at me
    but we must fight
    the nature of our rhythms
    he is a sun riser
    while i am kin to diana
    hunting ideas to moon phases
    but when the moon is full
    strange powers pull my spouse
    and me to harmonize our music
    to a sensual steady beat
    his charm slithers and we begin
    the ritual of cleansing
    the mind of daily residue
    we are our focused senses
    as we adorn ourselves
    with peacock colored silks/
    soft creams and ripened musk
    fingers barely trace skin lines/
    raise flesh tremors/jerk limbs
    and a delicate spit gathers
    at the corner of a mouth
    he is a sweet meat to savor slowly/
    to raise tides
    bringing to a halt the tenth wave
    soak my dear/don't move/
    stay on the crest for one more
    excruciating cycle of the earth

© 1988 by Carmen M. Pursifull
All Rights Reserved.

four a.m. how time flies

    i see you in each hand of time
    and now papa has been seen
    by your side/urging
    my grieving son in law
    to acknowledge his transition
    so soon the call
    from my daughter's side/
    so sudden stopped the drummer's beat
    can you tell me if you see
    my baby's hand reach for the hand
    of my son's son
    who left his mother's womb
    before his time
    does my baby play or does he wait
    for my arrival to tender to him
    in this reflective night
    i try to crack the cosmic egg/
    fly from culture's imprintations
    i try to seek the soul
    that whispers in my dreams
    of other worlds which wait
    for that moment when breath
    shall fly like a last wind
    from my lungs
    will i habitate these worlds
    for a universal blink
    repeating over and over
    the ritual of transition
    for the evolution of my soul
© 1988 by Carmen M. Pursifull.
All Rights Reserved.

midnight and the clock strikes thirteen

    i hear the thirteen strikes
    from the clock/
    look at the mantle
    for an explanation
    but the face is empty
    except for hands too busy
    to define myths
    to a logical mind
    at midnight
    the house exhales
    its daylight heat
    hidden in its wooden pores
    and i detect a movement slight
    as if the walls
    would close upon me/
    shelter me
    from psychic harm
    against my unbelieving will
    i see the outline
    blur of matter
    manifest a lilac cloud
    it circles my waist/
    wraps me in a spirit womb
    where i do not exist
    until the sun shines

© 1988 by Carmen M. Pursifull
All Rights Reserved.