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I Await

I await in the shadows
for the light of
your soul to approach.
upon the back of Faith
as you are invisible
yet to me;
yet I await.

I know that you are far.
But, you will follow
the shining star
to get to me.
You are there
full of strength
and virility
approaching to
enrapture me.

You are my life now
You are my every thought
You are my dream.
You may think
I am not what I seem.
My heart is an open book.
Just take a look,
and read the words
that are from within.

I have prayed for
you to come to
me for many years.
Can this be real?
Can you be my Prince
approaching from
another land?
Are you my man?

When we meet,
we will know for sure,
we say.
Listen to our hearts
for deep within
lies the Truth.

The Truth is
in your soul
~~ already known.
Please don't let
anyone or anything
come in-between.

By Dot