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There is a full moon and
the night has come,
for all the wicked and evil
to party with fun.
They are in their costumes,
the demon possessed,
as their bare breasts dance to
the music on the juke-box.
Aren't they hot?
They bend over for all the men,
and wink their false eye-lashes
to lure them in.
They swirl on the pole with a
care not for this world.
They just want money,
and to cause trouble at home.
All the Godly women are
crying out to God,
to please stop the dancers
from luring their men into sin,
as they swirl around the new
Sodom and Gommorah;
no thought of tomorrow.
The men clap their hands
and think it's nice;
but, they will pay the price,
for letting Satan's daughters
lead them into a darker place.
For Sodom and Gommorah
is their abode,
lusting for the ladies
with their bodies exposed.
Alcohol is taken
and the men get drunk.
The dancers are on table-tops
showing what they can.
They are laughing and
dancing for all the men.
Their souls are black,
but they don't care.
when they lure the men into
Sodom and Gommorah's bed.
They don't care about
the mothers and children,
crying for their daddies
who don't come home.
All I pray is that the new
Sodom and Gomorrah die
in the flames,
and a new city of
Godliness remains.
Alas, we all get old
unless we die young.
The glimmering lights
will fade away,
onto a future date.
When all turns black,
and the Demon of hell
comes back to claim their souls.
The Death Reaper will come
to them upon their deaths,
and one-by-one burns
off their flesh.
They"ll scream and yell
but never-the-less,
they are going to hell,
if they don't repent.
They gave no care about
morals or God.
They will be chained
to a tortureous jail.
They took no mercy
upon weak men
whose money they seeked.
Sins are all they reaped.
Now there will be
knashing of teeth.
A wife at home I am,
and would rather be.
than one of Satan's daughters;
than to go to hell and weep.
They made me suffer
and so did he.
The man in my life who
lives in Sin City.
But, my Maker sees all,
and will have Mercy on me.
As my Heaven awaits.

Poem written by
Dottie Fontaine