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I lay helpless in my Mother's womb;
Exactly like you at one time.
I'm tiny, and feeling with life,
And God ever so near;
But, I was conceived at a time,
That wasn't convenient or clear.
Tomorrow, I'll say good-bye.
No one really wants me here.

If only I could live.
I know I could bring a smile;
Perhaps to a lonely couple,
Who has wanted a child for awhile.

I want to feel the wind on my face,
Or the joy of giving;
To try and solve some problems;
To make the choices worth living.

My eyes are blue, like Dad's....
The color of the sea and sky.
I can't even understand,
Why I must say good-bye.
Tomorrow is the day.
I wish Mom would change her mind.

I'm holding on to Life tonight;
A miracle in God's sight.
Somehow, I wish that moment,
Would not unwind.

There is so much to say,
In these last fleeting hours;
To never touch or smell
The velvet petals of the flowers,
Or the grass beneath my feet.
My mind is sharp.
I'm one of the beautiful people,
Who just happens to be sweet.

The Doctor told Mom,
"It's a simple procedure."
He was happy to explain.
I'm glad, because heaven knows,
I didn't want to cause any pain.

I just wanted to run through a meadow field,
Or maybe, fly a kite;

To eat an apple,
And sing well into the night.

Mom's eyes are filled with tears.
How I love her so.
No one sees my tears,
But, God, who makes me grow.
Now, she is getting ready.
The clinic, she can see.
My last words: "World, I love you,
And, I hope that you loved me."

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
