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Most Wonderful, Gracious Lord,
Thank You for the many blessings,
You have given us.
Thank You, Greatest God,
For Your Precious Son,
The One and Only Lord and Savior Jesus.

Lord Jesus, In these days of trial and test,
Do not look upon our sinful stain,
But, in Your Mercy,
and Most Wonderful Name,
Help each one to bear the pain.
Protect our soldiers with Your Love,
And give to English Allies too,
Because You are a Warrior
Who, loves the Right fight too.

Lord, please get us out of war,
To fly in peaceful flight,
Let Your Perfect Will be done
In the darkest night.

Lord, please do not let your
Enemies make mockery and tear,
When You are the Greatest God,
And, we know that You are here.

Bring our troops home safely,
To the land that is free.
And, to the ones no longer here,
Bring them close to Thee.

Please, bless our nation,
As Only You can do.
And, like our founding fathers prayed,
Please, keep us True to You.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
