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If I had known you were hurting,
Or your pain too hard to bear,
I would have said some kind word.
I know I would have been there.

If I had known you were crying,
And misfortune led your way,
Or you felt tired of trying,
I would have been more generous,
And kind to you, today.

If I had known....
You were alone and clouds hid the sun away.

Your mind was cluttered, confused,
And despaired;
Your heart broken in two,
I would have made you realize,
That someone cared for you.

And, in your darkest hour,
I would have prayed for light,
Wisdom and understanding,
With challenges less demanding,
And love, not far from sight.

If the shadows fall,
And you think there is little call to care,
Or, your darkest visions,
Should fill with ill indecisions,
I pray God be with you,
When I cannot be there.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
