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They thought they had the answers,
As they followed God's plan.
They left out an igredient.
It was love to fellow man.

They passed around the offering cup.
It came to that man of sin.
Heaven and they seemed to watch,
As he threw his last quarter in.

He would sleep under a bridge that night,
With a can of beans to his name.
They would talk of God and love,
And how to put a man to shame.
This all done in Jesus' Name.
He walked the alter,
And to his knees, he fell.
Everyone could plainly see,
He was on his way to hell.

The man of sin said in his heart,
"Lord Jesus, I've gone astray.
Please, come into my life,
And make it right today."
His clothes were torn and dirty.
"Look, how he needs a shave!",
But, God was in the business,
Of dirty souls to save.

Miss Goody Two Shoes stood up in the pew.
She said, "What are you doing here?
We want no part of you!"
His eyes just shone a love of light,
To the lady not so bright.
Her proud look turned to a frown.
As she sat down, she said,
"I give to the needy!
Everyone can plainly see,
This man is evil and seedy."
The man of sin, just smiled again,
And looked her in the eye.
That crystal blue of love and light
forced her to turn away.

God was in the business
Of saving souls that day.

They learned the word, "Repent",
And had to change their way.
Miss Goody Two Shoes learned,
She had nothing more to say.

The man of sin is walking
On the Streets of Gold,
Waiting patiently,
For Mrs. Goody Two Shoes,
And, her loving hands to hold.
They had been married
For over thirty years.
Mrs. Goody Two Shoes was left
Behind to help the needy,
with her blood, sweat, and tears.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
