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I have the Greatest God.
His Name is Jehovah.
The God of Israel.
He makes Beautiful Things.
To Him, all Glory, Honor, and Praise.
He is all Good and Loves Truth and Justice.
Jehovah has Mercy and Compassion,
And, He Loves mankind.

Greatest God Loves mankind so much,
That He Gave His Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, that whoever would believe in Him,
Would not perish, but, have everlasting life.

Greatest God is more wonderful than
Anyone could ever imagine.
He Loves beautiful singing and music,
And prefers Mercy over Sacrifice.

I have the Greatest God.
He is a Warrior and Conqueror;
Holy and Honorable.
Greatest God, Jehovah, is all Wise,
And, He never changes.
Jehovah knows what is best for me.

In His Deep Pocket, is a Book...
The Book of Rememberance,
And He wrote my name in it, a long time ago.
Greatest God carries this Book,
With Him, where ever He goes.
It has everyone's name in it who believes,
in His Only Begotten Son and Savior Jesus Christ.
I am praying that your name will be in His Book too.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
