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God can make hopes and dreams,
And sweet things that have never
been seen.
He makes mountain tops, raindrops, and
wonderous mountain scenes.
His wonders never cease,
as He gives you peace, where peace
could never be.

God can turn the crimson as white as snow,
And you can find a blessing in the
depths of deep sorrow.
Chains can come unfastened with commands
to set you free,
And the Lord can feed a multitude
with abundance from the sea.

There can be a shower with hope, peace, and love,
Wrapped up in a moment with God's descending dove,
And the Beauty of His Splendor is awed to wonder why.
Still more Love, He shows us, with the rainbow in the sky.
Those without sin can cast the first stone;
But True Right is reserved for Him and Only Him Alone.

Who can make a lame man walk,
or give sight to the blind?
The Author of Life,
Who sacrificed with Unknown Strife,
And laid down His Life and Died.
God can restore death to Life,
Bringing mankind to His Side.

What miracles He gives us every day.
We've only to look around.
The pleasure of the food, we eat,
The sunshine, or a smile so sweet,
And sins, He takes away.

Thank You, God for good things we sometimes
take for granted.
Thank You, God for the happy things,
You have Graciously Handed.
Thank You for forgiveness,
when we are sin branded.
Thank You, God, for all things,
Whether they be big or small.
Thank You for the miracles, You've given
to us all.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
