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I go to prepare a place for you,
Where the lion sits with the lamb;
Where the river flows clean,
And every living thing knows the Great I Am.
I go to prepare a place for you,
Where Love flows free with Living Water,
And you never thirst again.
All your dreams are found within,
And God makes them all come true.

Chior songs of praise are heard.
Peace and Joy sit at God's Alter.
Men live by True God's Word.
A place of peace,
Where you've longed to be.
The whole, fullfilled you speaks Truth,
Standing next to Me.

A world like this one,
In very many ways,
Without evil or disease.
A place where good works and kindness,
Fill your days.
The land where milk and honey flows,
And the great winds blow
With God's True Grace.

The eyes are filled with beauty,
As God's Love shines in your face.
The flowers bloom in beauty,
With the gentle honeybees.
The grass is green as Life flows
Through every blade.
The air is fresh
with the clean scent
of pine and forest trees.
The mountains and sky speak splendor.
Creation unafraid.
Not one, could ask for more.
Believers living in the original plans,
God made.

I go to prepare a place for you,
Where rainbow and beautiful sunrises
fill the skies,
And, tears from painful injustice
never fill the eyes.
Acceptance is found in
Without rejection and fruitless
In this paradise.
It is the earth brought back
From death,with fullfilling life.
Without the toil, pain, or strife,
Once found in every living breath.
A place where torment doesn't exist.
Everything gained.
Nothing missed.
All knowing what God is about.

I go to prepare a place for you,
Where the lion sits with the lamb;
Where the river flows clean,
And every living thing,
Knows the Great I Am.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
