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I wish I could pray like Daniel.
He was a man who could pray.
I would ask the Living God to take
all your cares away.
I would ask Him to keep you strong,
as He puts all your enemies under your feet.
For God's Glory and Majesty,
you would never face defeat.
I would pray for light and love
to surround you everywhere,
And the dark side would lose all place,
when you are standing there.
Hurt would never see your face,
And you would always dance with the Lord's
Mercy and Grace.
I pray all the demons flee,
And you never feel their chains;
As the Lord Jesus sets you free
from all the torment and pains.
You would never fall into the snare
of self centered pride;
Always being humble, gracious, and grateful,
If God should look inside.
I would pray that you always walk in Truth,
And discern all the lies.
Compassion and love for people
would burn brightly in your eyes.
And nothing the devil could do,
could take you by surprise.
I pray for God's Will in everything you do;
For your health, family, riches and wealth,
And God's very best to you.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
