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Listen to the Master
I should have listened to the Master,
When I threw my pearls to swine;
Instead of sweet I love yous,
That were never really mine.

I should have listened to the Master,
When I stored my treasures here.
For thieves and rusted decay,
To take away my cheer.

Why didn’t I listen to the Master,
When He said to simply pray,
And, I saw all my loved ones,
Go on their separate way?
Worry and defeat clutched
a despaired life,
And, a poisoned tongue,
Learned when I was young,
Brought more to bitter strife.

Why didn’t I listen to the Master,
When He said keep
pure sexual desire,
Instead of playing wildly
with fornication’s fire.
When I got burned and cried,
cried, cried, and cried,
It was only sweet Master Jesus,
Who stayed by my side.

Oh, how, I long to
listen to the Master,
And, hear His gentle Voice,
Leading me to peace and
His Life giving choice.
His Loving Guidance
to correct when I am wrong.
With His One Utterance,
He has made me strong.
Never to forsake my soul.
Always working to make me whole.

So, when I hear Satan’s words,
saying lies into my ear,
I’ll be praying madly for
the Master’s Words to hear.
Before the next disaster,
God, please help me to listen to the Master.

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
