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How can you say you have righteousness,
Without Jesus in your heart?
He is the One whose Precious Blood
Has cleansed the upright.
How can you say you have righteousness
When Jesus is the "Only Way", To cleanse you from all unrighteousness
And take your sins away?
Without Jesus, there is no righteousness;
Only a law you can't keep,
A losing fight, and hell's burning
flames to reap.
How can you say you are so right,
Without Jesus in the fight?
He has already won all your battles,
that will bring you to the light.
How can you say you have righteousness,
When you go on your own way,
With only regard for you and,
what this wretched world has to say?
My friend, don't say, without the Lord,
"I'm right."
Please, dear brother,
Come into His Glorious Light,
Before you perish forever in your darkness.
Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
