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Jesus and I went down to
the Sea of Forgetfulness.
Bitterness and resentments
consumed my very core.
Jesus knew that I was angry,
as we stood there by the shore.
I began to play the "blame" game.
You know they've never done me right.
I blazed in crimson,
as I stood within His Light.
Nothing in my eye was fair.
No one gave a hoot,
and I would really love to share,
this evil, bitter fruit.
How they all did me dirty,
as I stared at all the sand.
And my anger began to boil again,
As Jesus took me by the hand.
"Those low life slugs!!" I screamed,
As I kicked the dirt.
Jesus seemed to understand,
As He soothed my pain and hurt.
I was engrossed with unforgiveness.
Covetous seemed to stare.
They all had it made in the shade,
And of course, they wouldn't share.
All were cold and cruel;
Loving to live with strife.
I knew I had to forgive them all,
If I wanted God's True Life.
The bitter tears began to fall,
As a rainy mist came down.
I was tired of hitting the wall.
The pain was hard to bare.
I was meant to wear this frown,
With no one there to care.
Then, Jesus said,
"Let these sorrows drown awhile."
I felt such joy and peace.
I prayed for forgiveness,
And let all resentments cease.
The Lord gave me a smile.
Love for brother filled my heart,
And all the anger did depart.
Then, the Lord said,"Let's throw this mess
into the Sea of Forgetfulness."
All praise and gratitude
Go to the Greatest Morning Star.
I didn't know I could throw that far!!!

Ida Rosetta Raye Johnson
