Poetry Inc, Poetry@Work's Favorite Attributes
Author J. Charles can help you find the ways. Not only is he seeking your best poetry about your life, workplace, love, success, defeat and courage, but also he is available to conduct workshops and seminars at your company. Mr. Charles thinks that anybody can write a poem. Each one of us has had some type of defining life's experiences which have inspired us. We can only refer to them in a poetic manner. If you are a worker who has loved poetry all your life, this is your opportunity to share it with the rest of the world. This is your opportunity to stand up for what you believe in.
Entry fees
Poetry Inc is seeking your best works of poetry for diffusion to a large audience. Submit them now. With a minimal non-refundable fee of $5.00 per poetry, you may see your labor, the fruit of your inspiration, your poem being the winner of this contest. All you need to do is to apply by submitting your entry and related fees.
The contests are open until 100 entries are received by the editors of this site. The winners of this poetry contest will receive $100.00 rewards in addition to being featured in a special publication on this site. Possible literary representation can also be facilitated in order to include selected winning poems and create a print publication as in an anthology
E-mail submissions are only accepted. Entry fee payments can be completed through the secure, reliable services of Paypal right on the web! Please see below.
The editors of this site serve as the jury of this contest. Their selections are final. A contestant can re-enter his/her poems in the subsequent contests. Contestants may contact us only via e-mail to inquire about the results of this contest.
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