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Fourth Of July in California, USA

It's a celebration of the human spirit and soul
A time when the mind, body and soul become one
It's a celebration of rights
The rights to dream high and big
It's a celebration of the rights to dignity, human dignity
It's a renewal in the spirit of one individual, one family
And the community, for we are interconnected
And interdependent, no matter our current position

From the majesty of Yosemite to the shores and sandy beach of Santa Barbara
From the bounty of the fertile Central Valley of California to the glitz of Hollywood
From Disneyland to the Silicon Valley in the Bay Area, the dream is alive
The dream of the pursuit of happiness and justice for the rich and the poor
We take great pride in the majestic symbols that defy gravity and times
The San Francisco Bridge and the wide network of highways and freeways
Remind us all that dreams stand to both challenge and inspire
There is no greater gain than that of the rights to free speech
Then our dreams are translated. The word becomes life.
Our ideas spring to reality

The new immigrants, both legal and illegal, can start dreaming the American Dream
They know it starts with education, family, hard work and perseverance
It's the yankee know-how, the resilience of the Native Americans
And the survival and flourishing of ethnic cultures, given a new right to exist
My American Dream starts with a journey to educate myself
It just happens to be the pillar of the AMERICAN DREAM
Education as the foundation and passport to a new dream
A better tomorrow, a new home, a new boat, a new cabin in the forest
The American Dream can be just a leather jacket, a fast car or boat
The typical teenager's dream can change over time
From a fast car to catch the attention of the opposite sex
To a degree in a hot field of study and ultimately a great job
For many immigrants, the American Dream starts simply
With the authorization to hold a job to take care of their family

As for me, 4th of July helps me refocus amidst all the barbecues
It helps me redouble my efforts to think of Us instead of only ME
To think about more education, family and country
It's about the building of a legacy
It's about preparing today's kids, my son and daughter to face
Like man and woman of honor and glory the trials of life
Never to succumb and stop the fight despite its rigor
The fight to continue working hard to meet their objectives in life
Then, they'll be able to taste the sweet success of hard work and commitment

4th of July gives me a short break to recommit myself to the things of the mind
To what's noble about being an individual, an American or a resident of
The Greatest Country on Earth, The United States Of America.
No matter how long it takes for the true ideal of Justice For All to reach all
In all the remote corners of this land
I will continue to believe in our justice system despite its imperfection
I will continue to exercise my rights to free speech
For no other country promotes and protects it better than the USA
As I am rededicating myself and meditating on this day,
May all fellow Americans and fellow human beings take time
Dream a big dream for themselves, their family
And their country
For me, there is no better place to be at
Than being at the beach with my family
Watching the foamy waves break and caress the shores
Against the background of green, rolling hills and high mountains
Kissing the sky

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We can write a poem for you to send out to your loved one, your spouse, your boss and co-worker. Remain anonymous in the whole thing. Order your poem right now. Use to request it. Special occasions can be very meaningful for all of you. Wish somebody good luck with a well-crafted poem. Many of our customers order and request poems for graduation, wedding, business ceremonies, communion, baptism, first communion, purchase of a new boat and home, job promotion etc. Just think of a special occasion such as your marriage anniversary that happens every year. We even write for funerals. If you want to remember somebody who was dear to you, you may want to let a professional writer take care of this for you.

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