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Asian Pears

Fresh-fruit lovers, get out and enjoy these exotic fruits
Stop at the roadside fruits stands
Or the nearby Farmers・Market
Thinking of pleasure and delights of Summer
Your hands will automatically reach into your wallet or purse
And down to the table or bucket to press these bronze, green
And red pears
No need to leave them in a bag till ripeness
These round or pear-shaped wonders
Are ready to eat just like apples
Either you peel the skin off or leave it on
It痴 all fine

Good God how fine and crunchy-textured!
The Asian pear has a long storage life
I prefer to keep it in cold storage
In the fruit box of my refrigerator
I pretend to forget about it
Until the next fruit crave or hunger
China and Japan have given us the best of their fruits
The West Coast 砲alifornia and Washington-
Grows and harvests them between July and August respectively
How appealing to one痴 palate!
Where else can anyone derive so much pleasure
From the labor of brave men and women, farm workers and shippers!
Nobody can return home without buying one or two bags or boxes
At the end of this enriching journey!

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Now that you have read the poems, you may want to take the next step. All you need to do is to make a reservation with Central Valley Tours if you are going to visit California. There are many reasons why you may want to visit the Golden State. You will probably be here for business, education and recreation. If you did not know much about this large strech of land forming San Joaquin or Central Valley of California, you have an opportunity to find out more about it by reading The Central Valley Of California:-Open To Business people, Students and Tourists. However, there is nothing better than to witness and experience the wonders of the Valley yourself. This is why we are in the business of providing you with the best moments in the Valley.

Feel free to send us your requests, comments and special needs and negotiation. We are in the business for you. Your satisfaction is our priority at Central Valley Tours.

A well-known Valley farmer thinks and writes a widely-acclaimed first book, Epitaph For A Peach. Here is the review of Mas Masumoto's second novel titled, Harvest Son....
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Private, Interpretive Tours Of Major Valley Rec. Sites, Blossom Trail, etc.

Feel free to send us an e-mail if you want us to customize a package for you

AgriBiz Poetry: Consumer Specialty Produce Marketer's Related Links

[AgriBiz Poetry Home] [Gallery 1: Fruits In Season] [Gallery 2: Crops and commodities] [Gallery3: ConsumersToFarmers Feedback Central] [Gallery4: GuacamoleFest] [Gallery 5: Fruit Of The Vines]

Copyright 2002. All Rights reserved. No portion of this site and/or poems, images may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the poet, J.J. Charles.

Inquiry about this poet's availability for presentations and readings, contact us below

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