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*Essential Love*

I am still thinking of you at day and night, 

and I'm not going down without a fight,

just to have your gentle touch would mean so much,

it doesn't matter if you're far or near,

an image of you does appear. 


Just thinking about you gets me through the day 

and for that I will owe you,

just thinking of you when a song comes on 

makes me feel like I'm going to get lost in you,

you're the very best and from you,

I wouldn't expect anything less. 


You caress me and impress me,

I know you're that special kind of guy, 

who will protect me and respect me,

when you're in pain that's what I feel, 

and that's something I just had to reveal,

when God made you God made love, 

from high in heaven high above.


Written By:

* Tamarva Donzellia Butler*


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