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*Pond Nymph*

With secret smile she looks at me,
This beauty of the pond,
She seems to say 'O human child,
What sorrow falls on thee?'
I look upon her calm facade
And wonder how she 'sees',
And if she knows I'd rather be
A Pond Nymph such as she.

To live like her in waters free,
With no restraints or fear,
To open wings, soft as a breeze,
And shed no human tears.
Her long brown tresses flowing
Like a clear stream after rain,
The watervines enwrap her arms
To keep away the pain.

She soothes my heart
With such a look,
And in my mind I hear
'If you would only close your eyes
And search your inner heart,
A little part inside of you
Would surely be the start
Of what you see in me
And makes you wish to be'.

Written By:

* Pili Potter*


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