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All on her own
She does it all on her own
She baths him and feeds him all on her own
She strips to pay the rent all on her own
She gets up at 5 in the morning to dress him all on her own
All on her own
She does it all on her own
She walks him to the bus stop all on her own
She cleans up his spilled cereal all on her own
When he was a baby she changed his shitty diapers all
on her own
All on her own
She does it all on her own
When he is sick she takes him to the hospital all on
her own
When he falls down she picks him up all on her own
When he didn’t know his ABC’s she stayed up teaching
him all on her own
All on her own
She does it all on her own
Where were you when she was doing everything all on
her own
You were making other babies while she was doing it
all on her own
You were buy new Timbs when she was doing it all on
her own
All on her own
She did it all on her own
She raised your son all on her own