and the Truth will set you free


jj jackman
and the Truth will set you free - index
Taleah (2/6/04) Taleah scura yet probing in the darkness blending pressing and probing in a troth once plighted Taleah taking eight twenties grieving in this gaining sullen and silent ‘midst the merry dancers posing for daughter not in passion yearning Taleah returning five ones more than for a phone call ten bucks a hour! when you’re worth a million this was an insult not the right direction Taleah then comes the smiling and true joy displaying from regal center there is no containing Taleah knowing the world has six more equal treasures beaming for moments where’s the Borealis? Taleah fair noble riser proud and yet so cautious feeling your blood line and its sullied hist’ry Taleah darker these maidens and their maddened minstrels wounded yet singing of your daddy’s capture: purple robes removed bloody wooden oarshafts king not in labor but in ruling justly why was he taken by dull drab northern knights? Taleah failing in loving One that loves you so much He is your Father i am just His servant Taleah then comes the smiling and true joy displaying from regal center there is no containing Taleah knowing the world has six more equal treasures beaming for moments where’s the Borealis? Taleah fail not in meeting with the light you’re sparing please beam forever not so shortly showing as dawn light rising capped with bright corona Taleah Taleah Taleah Taleah then comes the smiling and true joy displaying Taleah from regal center there is no containing Taleah knowing the world has six more equal treasures Taleah beaming for moments where’s the Borealis? Taleah Taleah Taleah