and the Truth will set you free

i gaze through barren...

jj jackman
and the Truth will set you free - index
i gaze through barren... 11/21/2005 if seven hundred dollars gives me a glimpse as i dose to drunken stupor toward what end then does “owing me big time” i am a debtor to those that give me nothing i pay debts with the substance of my appearance my love and devotion, mine inner troth, is rarely part of any equation, cheated, i respond with feigned magnanimity i disgust royal heirs that exacted tribute i covet old testament vengeance on my foes my Lord answers in patient forbearance i appear vulnerable, a focal point for mockery yet you will be reduced to eternal embers rising tall as Lebanon’s cedars for a season you will fall hard as private school youth ponder “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is present does it make a sound” you shall crash to the ground a sound of fury the sight of ashes rising * don’t fuck with my fucking presence don’t fuck with my fucking presence don’t fuck with my fucking presence previously i warned ** don’t fuck with my fucking meter don’t fuck with my fucking meter don’t fuck with my fucking meter i insist stop capitilizing mine “i”s don’t fuck with my fucking love don’t fuck with my fucking love don’t fuck with my fucking love it is mine only possession my love is as pure as dross ridden silver fired one thousand times i am insanely in love with you i foam at the mouth i vomit affection my garments are stained don’t think me funny or foolish or follyful i do not merryandrew don’t ask me to give what i do not have [what I have I give freely without cost if I did not offer it freely it would be unavailable to you] don’t wound me (blesse moi) any more with difference we are absolutely the same (absolument la meme chose) we have no color in complete contrast written with blue ink on green parchment abandon me... my purchase price is unattainable i have been bought with Royal blood i have brought you to my homeland the land of my fathers they have rejected you they have rejected us they have rejected me we have no homeland i still love you i see you through barren drenched dogwoods glazed with droplets i am shivering from the cold and warmed by shape of your absence i reach through the branches for clear darkness [I wait, I hope, I pray I have completely forgiven you love Me] i see you through barren drenched dogwoods glazed with droplets i am shivering from the cold and warmed by shape of your absence i reach through the branches for clear darkness [I wait, I hope, I pray I have completely forgiven you love Me] i see you through barren drenched dogwoods glazed with droplets i am shivering from the cold and warmed by shape of your absence i reach through the branches for clear darkness [I wait, I hope, I pray I have completely forgiven you love Me] *NB: this no longer applies to the one to whom this poem was originally written!!!!!!! **from the professor (a speckled bird)