and the Truth will set you free

ciao cherida

jj jackman
and the Truth will set you free - index
ciao cherida 3/23/2005 more than lapping light liquid from your thighs and honey from your vagi-Nile that flows as freely as the nectar of the ancient gods at festive feasting you implied devotion to daughter and daylight! and the headlines follow: !!Baptist Beauty Blesses Bargain Bard!! yet mirth and merriment and frolic when brought before the poet’s panel were found guilty as charged such paltry penetration into such a life of love such depth – a tongue’s length such poverty, like banks with laden vaults these pearls appear to be priceless yet life is raised no higher and love is placed aside again in caution under the passport and laced panties prudence takes a rest from recklessness and contemplates restraint and love again is left to the imagination ciao cherida more than staying when you’re leaving constantly surveying the sitter’s resume mentally and with frequent calling (only a self that can’t be trusted receives no checks or summons) holding a tiny wireless unit as security as if in calamity it could wave away disaster ciao cherida hiding this love also under the passport and the laced panties (stifling her also while promising her possible escape and softness) nurturing and embracing her in the sun span postponing all your deepest needs anticipating her reinvention of humanity ciao cherida preoccupied affection shared in common return to him or hymns in layers prayers with liars’ longer letters supplication to masculine dominance recreate "May ree" with a women fair Aquarian subject in a man’s body temporarily defer reproof ciao cherida more than radiance improved by your smile and action in your supple frame that moves so gently to the flowing of your auburn hair in endless passion now denied devotion to daughter and daylight! and the headlines follow: !!Baptist Beauty Blesses Bargain Bard!! yet mirth and merriment and frolic when brought before the poet’s panel were found guilty as charged