shelter trilogy

jj jackman
Judas antithesis - index
shelter trilogy (12/12/01) Part 1 i see you struggling to explain your faults you unlock a vault of love within my chest the agitation lasts for hours i can’t shake away our non-presence encounter i am enthralled by your simple brown garment and marvel at the whiteness of your teeth i would as a windshield droplet anastomose into your liquid center i feel you raise your guard to deflect offense i am as a 55 gallon drum of water there to simply absorb your tension there to plead before the King for your excuse i shake at your not knowing and ponder the intersection of lines and the sheer non occurrence of projected numbers and the impossible possibility of our never joining i love you none the less for this and would not think the less of thee if you ached so but i exist in a peripheral orbit and will not alter course to leave you bare i see your golden hair once brown so neatly combed the motion of your slender somewhat reddened hand most see this just as common gesture yet my heart views you stroboscopic’lly i shake but shaking does not reach this place i hope but don’t that intense will subside i scream of present things but it is this! no problem has a source that drops this deep