i’m a survivor not a driver

jj jackman
Judas antithesis - index
i’m a survivor not a driver (8/30/01) i’m a survivor, not a driver it’s not that i know the nuances of the surface banked and biased for the higher speed and weight to ass cheek shifted left to offset bank with upper torso shoulder toward right windshield’s arc that years before had surface skin meshed in the cracked spaces of this intact shattered pattern ripped from visage of past seven and twenty years that piece that was cubically grafted and removed from my upper thigh now rests in its lacerated forehead’s place i’m a survivor not as in Destiny’s Child’s pop piece of not knowing of the same that i’d elicit, i’m a survivor not by any effort on my part or due to any ability ot forcitude of principle or politically correct outwardly concentricated will that i might possess... i’m a survivor but by lines that interconnect for no prior or priorly anticipated preplan that have chanced by folly or whatever force to allow me to exist against all odds and arrive in a place of motion where i presently rest without resistance from any power no matter how high and though you don’t or never will look with higher glance toward me it’s not that i be all that i might be as being even fosters me to be beyond what e’er ‘spectation warrants see i’m a survivor not a driver