know ye not

the prince of Tyrus

jj jackman
know ye not - index
the prince of Tyrus 4/28/02 this process wrought four greater winged cree' tures yet in the fifth somehow the love was lacking in the vast excitement of his forming consciousness in self, this time, enthralled and centered t' ward a flooding outward turned dastardly within reflecting on his awesome gloire in birth he hated from the very start his maker and not the fifth in any present order for such perception it does pale from this the seventh level and judgement clear to only One there is no mortal viewing of this matchless making in a place where low might well be soaring four wings or operants of exponential motion eyes like `vasive saucers move in scintillating cycles four faces, one of man, and three of higher beasts circumspect the compass points with infinite outtensity....... yet in the fifth somehow the love was lacking his knowing far beyond the reach of all the brightest humans in this unfolding there was found no fault he'd use this and contrast design for fraud and for deception no end to his long lifespan he memorized the Word from: In the beginning God* to ...Christ be with you all. Amen.** cleverly misquoting to achieve his own agenda he incited organizations of weaker men to cast doubt on his own demise so blatantly contained within (his rage be but denial!) the tireless prince of Tyrus Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:..*** he fashioned the nations as merchants and with his wisdom he increased in riches yet in the fifth somehow the love was lacking his beauty rivaled all distraction no lesser serpent e'er could boast of this fair hide in shapes defying pattern and design made not in dulled flesh tones but speckled not as ideas past but with the very thing itself! etched with di'monds, gold and topaz beryl, sard and onyx ruby, garnet, jasper with sapphire and with em'rald and if the looks were not enough the sounds he would produce with tabors**** and with pipes***** unlike the songs of luring sirens would melt the wax in sailors' ears and rip Ulysses from the mast yet in the fifth the covering***** the Maker's surface boasting (this coat in many colors would be later stitched by man!) who walked the holy mountain***** amidst the stones of fire***** so perfect in his ways***** yet on the day so fashioned iniquity was found***** and in the fifth not time nor form nor tone nor wits were wanting yet in the fifth yet in the fifth somehow yet in the fifth somehow the love yet in the fifth somehow the love was yet in the fifth somehow the love was lacking Bible verse references (KJV) *(Genesis 1:1) **(Revelations 22:21) ***(Ezekiel 28:3) ****(drums) *****(Ezekiel 28) (extractions)