know ye not

to Roger (B-A) and the family

jj jackman
know ye not - index
to Roger (B-A) and the family (3/12/03) misty etchings bordering on a momentary finality if the outer temperature would drop but just a few degrees rivaling in their drip drop beauty ever professional rippling water Jamaican “poh et tree” in tandem presentation (MAYBE YOU AND I SOMEDAY!) her thin black hand an appendage balarina finally reveal the living panels as a staging only nur!* eight panels gallery worthy mist on clear delineated by diverse tracks of droplets masterpieces all different changing while on views the backdrop a neon “OPEN” sign with the WORD in RED surrounded by a blue square border within a purple coffee cup white Aquarian sign rising so many random white Christmas lights speckle the upper four panels too many to aptly numerate then in the upper right hand (stage left) corner an American flag with a small blue square “the United States of ..... the World ..... all with different laws and penau(lt)ees** for forty or fifty some odd states no place ?? for all the other lands and nations of das Weld*** Babylon in disguise!!!!! and thirteen red and white stripes why are the first seven shorter than the lower six but the misted fresci**** have my heart’s attention especially the second one to my stage right split equally with a steamy inverted hill below with a single tear running down the plate creating a .333 to .666 perfect ratio mimicking all that was “lost of the host” - GOD and twisted threads more ropelike of yellow and red costume jewelry lights surround the panel quadrants demanding my attention***** look! there is this section of six smaller frames and a section of two, rather monumental in compariason****** the union established never to be broken (i wish i knew her name!) the union established never to be broken (i do not listen very well!) the union established never to be broken only to be admired at a distance like the other multiple confederations that never made it as a white star on this postage stamp patch of bleu******* a room full of mostly “proud to be American” persons as they hear in soft Rastafarian chiding the terrors of her history of slavery and lynchings and injustice the sounds are so melodious the chastisements so gentle the sounds so lively life so alive as to be always in motion warm enough to keep the nearly frozen masterworks in vibrant changing splendor * only (a selah)(pause) **penalties ***world ****plural of fresco??? *****attention ******comparison *******blue