know ye not

eulogy to Maria Smith

jj jackman
know ye not - index
eulogy to Maria Smith (9/6-9/2003) speak of houses, cars and riches family fortune it was she how we feel this massive loss within our saddened hearts silent maker of the skies lie to me if this be false that i'd hear her pearls of wisdom in that haven you've prepared calmly sitting at her feet wise patient matriach tell me more of children eating bitter coffee beans of small white fragrant flowers blossoming twice a year, of deep red berries picked then dried for many weeks 'til green let me stroll once more beneath the open roofs of your father's villa tell me time and time again how all the rooms were connected and of the large internal garden tell me of El Salvador's tradition of families visiting during the holiday sharing fruits like "plantanos" tell me of the excitement and expectation felt by neighbors in the reception corridor viewing the near life size manger your porcelain baby Jesus still testifies by your side speak of houses, cars and riches family fortune it was she how we feel this massive loss within our startled hearts haven and advisor for the restless teen dignified while teaching with compassion to older youth repairing shattered dreams how so conscious of the introvert! hospitable to the wounded a listening ear when all just simply talked fine noble gentlewoman never lowering the highest standard speaking perfect English and correcting sloppy Spanish firmly but with kindness blazing in your stateliness a clear pathway and a message fraught with depth oh “Christian” wannabees take heed and follow her sweet generous example speak of houses, cars and riches family fortune it was she she gave to each in living distant ones were drawn so near she has left a massive wealth that shall surely last within our grateful hearts