know ye not


jj jackman
know ye not - index
invitation 10/20/02 fifty-one divided by two is twenty-five and one half why couldn’t fifty one divided by two be thirteen or some more reasonably justifiable figure why couldn’t fifty-one minus twenty-six be four or five i don’t want to share your company i want rather to covet you for my self for an afternoon of conversation to persuade you to my views on essential issues and to be so understanding and apologetic if you would react for some reason a second time in vehement opposition to the same (and this i’d wish not to risk!) i’d wish to admonish you with my somewhat prefaced desperate insights filtered through polarized vistas swinging between your anvils and hammers resonating in that timeless expanse of your gray deciphering matter for a short eight hour span and fifty-one divided by fifty-one is one and one divided by three hundred and sixty-four and one quarter is twenty-four and twenty-four divided by three is all i’m requesting for a short eight hour span swinging between your anvils and hammers resonating in that timeless expanse of your gray deciphering matter matter between synapse and ganglion in the fluid that conducts your thoughts electrolytically trying to keep my head looking upward as i cascade backfloating in a spherical downward motion wishing rather to revolve into a dead man’s float position privy then to view the kaleidoscopic perfection of your attentive iris your surface attention murmurs disapproval while deeper convolutions tremble in affirmation as we enter Mama Balducci’s just a corner’s turn from my sister's quite former apartment on 69 West Ninth not knowing whether we’d want salmons or salsas or salads you might lock yourself into a momentary area of non accessibility as you decide rather on lime watermelon slices i might then drift into catatonia if my previously interrogated slicer does not reply abruptly to my question on loks and only the spirit of the simple Italian matriarch reaffirms your deep seated familial loyalty... why do you want to live in this city go home honey and live with your family... as at the end of sneezing or seizure or shaking i crawl out of my jolt of crippling depression in the new surface i am somewhat confident and eternal and i know for a certainty that in twenty-five and one half years to the second you’ll wish that you could be with me and for eight hours you’ll feel my pain then you might wish to be reproved by my somewhat prefaced desperate insights filtered through polarized vistas that could have rocked between your anvils and hammers resonating in that timeless expanse of your gray deciphering matter for a short half of the average waking day